Friday, May 4, 2007

The worries involved

As much as I'm enjoying my newfound success, I do have some worries. Mostly, am I going to have enough hours in the day to do every job as well as I'd like to? Today, for example, I was going through the transition of a client from their last bookkeeper to me. I saw her in action...and she's got a whole lot more knowledge of the benefits side of things than I do. I'm working to learn it all, but can I compare? Will I be good enough? I sure hope so.

Or, how 'bout this one? Will I have time to continue doing all the stuff with the kids that I've always done? It's a major reason to be in business for ourselves...but is it really realistic to think we can support ourselves and still do all those things? I've already traded off my 3 days per week with Tara. She's mostly with Joe those 3 days. I know that kids who are in daycare 5 days per week are just fine and she's only there 2 days. I know it's ok for her to be with her dad, even if that's more than she gets to be with me. He's a GREAT dad and it's good that he gets to spend this time with her. I know it doesn't make me a bad mom to do this. So why do I always feel like I'm shortchanging the kids? Even when it's obvious that I'm not? Crazy.

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